New User? Click HERE to Register and generate a participating character.!
(Participation is free to monitor and engage in various activities however upgrades enable more features.)Upon registering you can generate a character within the simulation in one of four key areas or countries.
Your character and any associated within this novel simulation will be able to focus upon two key years of the twentieth century. The simulation is undergoing rapid development and more details released over the coming months.
Basically the simulation is an ambitious attempt to reflect the events from Sept-1943 through to September 1945.
The initial focus starts with monitoring the Strategic air campaign against the japanese mainland.
You can choose to be assigned an entire B29 with crew and / or a japanese Interceptor pilot for the entire inaugural simulation.(Anyone who upgrades to premium or lifetime maintains control in perpetuity.)
(The Portal is being developed fur educative, language learning and other purposes to be announced soon.) (Password stored as an encrypted hash.)