List of Staff & Crew

This is a list of all the staff & crew of the 457-Sqn in the roster

Return to the index.

Role Rank Name Missions Decorations Civilian Trait Combat Trait Assignment Training City State Col2 Col3 Col4 Intensity Service Updated
Sqn COMMANDER COL Erik Santiago 457-SHQ Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: San Angelo Catholic 1944-12-31: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken San Angelo March 2 4 12 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Sqn Deputy LTCOL Aaron Hunter 457-SHQ Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Greeley Protestant 1944-12-23: Safe 1944-12-31: Superficial Fall Greeley February 4 8 1 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Sqn Operations Officer Major Bruce Mendez 457-SHQ Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Davie November 0 5 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Intelligence Officer Major Edgar Payne 457-SHQ Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Mission Viejo December 0 5 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Bombardier Major Anthony Murray 457-SHQ Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Yuma November 0 10 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Navigation Officer Major Robert Lawrence 457-SHQ Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Brockton June 0 8 0 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Radio Officer Captain Jose Pratt 457-SHQ Sociable 457-Sqn Catholic Hillsboro June 0 9 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Radar Officer Cpatin John McGuire 457-SHQ Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Renton May 0 3 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Engineering Officer Captain Devin Wise 457-SHQ Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Vacaville April 0 3 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Gunnery Officer Captain Christian Wheeler 457-SHQ Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Pearland July 0 3 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Meteorological Officer 1LT Marcus Harmon 457-SHQ Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Yakima July 0 6 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Medical Officer Captain Antonio Rodriquez 457-SHQ Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Quincy February 0 1 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Ordnance Officer Major Adam Cooper 457-SHQ Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Carson May 0 4 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Chaplain Captain Chester Stephens 457-SHQ Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Lee's Summit December 0 4 3 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Senior NCO MSGT Derek Reeves 457-SHQ Meticulous 457-Sqn Protestant Tuscaloosa December 0 5 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Marine Brass MR Marcus Abbott 457-SHQ Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Hesperia December 0 10 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Stars & Stripes MR Raymond White 457-SHQ Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Beaverton May 0 1 4 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Willie White 457-SHQ Significantly Gambler 457-Sqn Protestant Roswell October 0 2 5 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Stars & Stripes MR Max Turner 457-SHQ Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Sparks July 0 2 2 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Civilian MR Jeff Jones 457-SHQ Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Lynn March 0 1 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Dennis Williams K-1 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic James October 0 0 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Calvin Howell K-1 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Cookeville February 0 0 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Stanley Price K-1 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Poughkeepsie April 0 2 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Clarence Guerrero K-1 Thoughtful 457-Sqn None Andover January 0 0 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Eric Wolfe K-1 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Englewood July 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Owen Boyd K-1 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Garfield April 0 0 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Joseph Dawson K-1 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant New Iberia October 0 3 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Daniel Phillips K-1 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Wentzville May 0 2 4 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Barry Harris K-1 Reflective 457-Sqn Jewish Kennesaw November 0 5 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Gerald Long K-1 Measured 457-Sqn Catholic Alabaster February 0 7 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Mario Santos K-1 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Long Branch May 0 1 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC 2Lt Warren Miles K-1 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Laguna Hills August 0 6 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Duane Howell K-1 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Westfield July 0 8 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2/Lt William Mitchell K-1 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Brooklyn Center September 0 3 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Dale Kelley K-1 Measured 457-Sqn Catholic Gillette December 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Benjamin Martinez K-1 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Ballwin February 0 10 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Francis Fitzgerald K-1 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Clearfield January 0 5 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Keith Campbell K-1 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic Chicago Heights November 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Dennis Mack K-1 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Saratoga July 0 8 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer MSGT Prince H. WALLACE K-1 None Calmly Quiet None 457-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: HOUSTON, TX HOUSTON TX Unknown 0 7 11 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Cole Oliver K-10 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Carbondale October 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Ryan Hogan K-10 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Garner September 0 6 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Roy Summers K-10 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Batavia Catholic 1944-12-23: Unlucky Foot Injury Batavia October 3 9 5 1942 1944-12-23 09:37:17
BOMBARDIER 1LT Cameron Burke K-10 Egotistical 457-Sqn Jewish Horn Lake January 0 4 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Tyler Sherman K-10 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Wooster Protestant 1944-12-23: Safe Wooster June 3 3 2 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Owen Ray K-10 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Carlsbad Protestant 1944-12-23: Terrible Head Wound Carlsbad September 3 9 5 1941 1944-12-23 09:37:17
CFC SGT Juan Stokes K-10 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Kingsville October 0 9 7 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Micheal Bryan K-10 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Mount Pleasant April 0 5 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Leonard Franklin K-10 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Paradise May 0 7 9 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Bruce Zimmerman K-10 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Greer August 0 10 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Gerald Adams K-10 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Rexburg February 0 4 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC SSGT Aaron Miles K-10 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant West Memphis January 0 9 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Nicholas Kim K-10 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Xenia May 0 0 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Peter Wilson K-10 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Pearl November 0 0 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Jerry Ray K-10 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Seguin December 0 2 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Travis Ramos K-10 Reflective 457-Sqn Protestant Wasco August 0 3 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Danny Barnett K-10 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Weatherford Protestant 1944-12-23: Safe Weatherford November 2 1 8 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
OBSERVER OBS Arthur Osborne K-10 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Sahuarita October 0 4 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Lewis Floyd K-10 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Greenville November 0 1 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Albert Morrison K-10 Reflective 457-Sqn Protestant South Pasadena August 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Ian Brock K-11 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Holly Springs December 0 6 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Glenn Gregory K-11 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Sandusky December 0 3 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Luis Elliott K-11 Quiet 457-Sqn None Clinton July 0 8 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT Kenneth Holland K-11 Meticulous 457-Sqn Unknown Hazelwood December 0 1 8 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Calvin Ramirez K-11 Egotistical 457-Sqn Jewish Lemon Grove March 0 7 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Harold Andrews K-11 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Fredericksburg November 0 0 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC MSGT Nathan Burns K-11 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Wyandotte March 0 4 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Nathaniel Santos K-11 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Cornelius December 0 8 6 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT Adrian Collier K-11 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Neenah November 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Mike Neal K-11 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Owatonna January 0 1 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT Ronnie Dixon K-11 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Fitchburg September 0 6 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC TSGT Alvin Klein K-11 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Belvidere February 0 4 10 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Bryan Fuller K-11 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Zanesville April 0 8 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Harry Jordan K-11 Absolutely Stable 457-Sqn None Burlington July 0 5 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Fred Alexander K-11 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Melrose Park village September 0 2 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Caleb Harrison K-11 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Laurel November 0 4 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Phillip Nguyen K-11 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Freeport April 0 10 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Ricardo Wilkerson K-11 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Shoreview March 0 8 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Frederick Mendez K-11 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant West Linn February 0 7 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Leonard Harrison K-11 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Twentynine Palms September 0 6 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Wesley Willis K-12 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Asheboro Catholic 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-23: Replaced this mission. Asheboro August 3 2 9 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CO-PILOT 1LT Tyler Day K-12 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Collinsville Catholic 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-23: Replaced this mission. Collinsville June 3 0 10 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
NAVIGATOR 1LT Max Schwartz K-12 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Harvey Protestant 1944-12-23: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe Harvey October 4 9 0 1941 1944-12-23 09:37:17
BOMBARDIER 2LT Bradley Jones K-12 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Troy Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe Troy September 2 4 5 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
FLT ENGINEER 2LT John Manning K-12 Bombastic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Brawley Catholic 1944-12-03: Lucky Escape 1944-12-03: Debilitating Sprained Wrist 1944-12-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-23: Lucky Escape Brawley December 10 3 1 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Floyd Yates K-12 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Hazleton Catholic 1944-12-23: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe Hazleton February 1 5 4 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
CFC SSGT Barry Hudson K-12 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Rockledge Protestant 1944-12-23: Safe Rockledge September 0 6 7 1941 1944-12-23 09:37:17
Starboard Gunner SSGT Bobby Stokes K-12 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Bridgeton Jewish 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe Bridgeton June 7 6 3 1942 1944-12-23 09:37:17
Port Gunner SGT Frank Olson K-12 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Independence Catholic 1944-12-03: Painful Foot wound 1944-12-23: Mild lost balance 1944-12-23: Painful Bumped Foot Independence June 3 4 9 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
Radar Observer TSGT Dale Harrison K-12 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Riverside Protestant 1944-12-03: Mild Bumped Hand 1944-12-23: Painful Needed Assistance Riverside July 2 8 8 1942 1944-12-23 09:37:17
Tail Gunner SSGT Frederick McCoy K-12 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Inkster Protestant 1944-12-23: Serious Leg Injury Inkster February 2 1 3 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
CC MSGT Marc Kelley K-12 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Temple Terrace March 0 7 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Don Reid K-12 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Ridgewood village November 0 5 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT James Sanders K-12 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Paducah April 0 5 2 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Marcus Myers K-12 Vivacious 457-Sqn Jewish Homewood January 0 1 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Albert Richards K-12 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant South Portland March 0 1 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Kyle Yates K-12 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Lockport Catholic 1944-12-03: Painful Finger Injury 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe 1944-12-23: Safe Lockport July 9 4 7 1942 1944-12-23 09:37:17
OBSERVER OBS Ray Maldonado K-12 Reflective 457-Sqn Protestant Fort Dodge February 0 3 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Adam Barnett K-12 Highly Joker 457-Sqn None Ponca City July 0 2 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Dustin May K-12 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Parkland November 0 10 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT Jason Wells K-13 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Alvin November 0 7 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Seth Garcia K-13 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Reedley May 0 10 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Landon Williams K-13 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Ardmore January 0 7 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Darrell Collier K-13 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Caledonia village December 0 8 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Michael McBride K-13 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Marshall September 0 1 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Billy Saunders K-13 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Madison March 0 8 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Wesley Poole K-13 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish North Platte May 0 10 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Jesus Swanson K-13 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Woodstock December 0 3 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief SGT Shane Francis K-13 Calmly Stable 457-Sqn Protestant Grandview October 0 7 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Lester Gill K-13 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Lemoore July 0 5 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Keith Henderson K-13 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Elmwood Park village February 0 9 6 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Don McDaniel K-13 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Woodstock January 0 1 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Isaiah Burgess K-13 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Key West September 0 5 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Dale Cunningham K-13 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Emporia April 0 7 1 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Edward Coleman K-13 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Ottumwa November 0 10 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Andrew Franklin K-13 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Syracuse January 0 8 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Jacob Christensen K-13 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Salem July 0 4 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SGT Lee Powers K-13 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Lafayette April 0 2 2 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT David Patton K-13 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Statesville April 0 0 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Julian Wilkins K-13 Thoughtful 457-Sqn None Austin December 0 2 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Troy Lyons K-14 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Sanger October 0 2 11 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Bruce Morrison K-14 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic New Lenox village May 0 10 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Brent Lawson K-14 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Carrollton Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe Carrollton August 1 2 6 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 1LT Joseph Singleton K-14 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Balch Springs March 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Charlie Baldwin K-14 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Trotwood Catholic 1945-01-26: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Trotwood July 1 10 6 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Glenn George K-14 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Hercules Protestant 1945-01-26: Painful Hand Injury Hercules January 2 4 3 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC SGT Peter Yates K-14 Quiet 457-Sqn Jewish Seal Beach August 0 8 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Joe Ramsey K-14 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Lafayette January 0 0 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Vincent Young K-14 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Zion December 0 2 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Tyler Williamson K-14 Adaptable 457-Sqn Jewish Homer Glen village June 0 4 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Cory Day K-14 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Cabot August 0 3 6 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Alfred Wilkerson K-14 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Athens Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe Athens April 0 6 5 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Reserve FO 1LT Frederick Olson K-14 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Muskego February 0 2 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Lucas Greene K-14 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Edwardsville October 0 3 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Blake Wade K-14 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Starkville February 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Logan Garner K-14 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Rolling Meadows April 0 3 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Milton Diaz K-14 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Ridgeland December 0 1 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Nicholas Oliver K-14 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Galt June 0 10 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Earl Lane K-14 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant White Bear Lake April 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Chad Martinez K-14 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Woodburn June 0 9 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Wesley Diaz K-15 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant De Pere February 0 4 6 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Shane Fowler K-15 Meticulous 457-Sqn Jewish Staunton November 0 9 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Jeffery Barber K-15 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Corsicana May 0 7 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Terry Baker K-15 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Corcoran November 0 8 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Nathaniel Garrett K-15 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic South Salt Lake July 0 8 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Michael Roy K-15 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Centerville January 0 5 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Daniel Morgan K-15 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Chaska August 0 8 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Leroy Todd K-15 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Junction City November 0 1 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Troy Morton K-15 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Cudahy August 0 0 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Bradley Jenkins K-15 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Loves Park May 0 3 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Bill Swanson K-15 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Herndon October 0 4 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer 2Lt Cameron Sharp K-15 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic El Cerrito June 0 5 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Ryan Lloyd K-15 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic Ramsey August 0 7 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2/Lt Trevor Carroll K-15 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Norton Shores October 0 5 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Clayton Jennings K-15 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Romulus February 0 8 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Alfred Fleming K-15 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Franklin May 0 7 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Ivan Stanley K-15 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Calabasas February 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Allen Jennings K-15 Meticulous 457-Sqn Protestant Muscatine December 0 4 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Isaac Bradley K-15 Bombastic 457-Sqn Jewish Watauga April 0 10 9 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief MSGT Jason Dean K-15 Absolutely Stable 457-Sqn Catholic Cliffside Park borough May 0 7 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Nathan Patterson K-16 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic Blue Island June 0 4 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Ronald Walton K-16 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Peekskill January 0 7 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Stephen Barnett K-16 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Northport Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Fall Northport June 2 8 3 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 2LT Joshua Scott K-16 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Walker Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Safe Walker April 3 8 6 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER SSgt Jeffery Garner K-16 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Zionsville Catholic 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape 1944-12-01: Mild Bumped Foot Zionsville June 9 9 9 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Calvin Fletcher K-16 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Coronado Protestant 1944-12-01: Serious Bumped Hips Coronado January 1 5 10 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC Cpl Max Cobb K-16 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Vicksburg Jewish 1944-12-01: Serious Bumped Hand Vicksburg April 2 2 8 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Samuel McDaniel K-16 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Columbus December 0 2 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Frederick McGee K-16 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Tarpon Springs November 0 1 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Cole Obrien K-16 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Griffin Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Mild Bumped leg Griffin February 3 4 11 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner CPL Herbert Baldwin K-16 Quite Stable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Loma Linda Jewish 1944-12-01: Safe Loma Linda January 0 7 2 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer 2Lt Jay Lowe K-16 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Mauldin Jewish 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Superficial Bumped leg Mauldin May 5 9 2 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Reserve FO 2Lt Johnny Rogers K-16 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic South Plainfield borough November 0 8 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Bryan Colon K-16 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Chanhassen October 0 6 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Bobby Hansen K-16 Meticulous 457-Sqn Jewish Champlin November 0 5 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Ricky Rowe K-16 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic East Peoria April 0 8 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Randy Beck K-16 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Duncan January 0 0 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Micheal Robbins K-16 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Selma December 0 1 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Devin Pratt K-16 Vivacious 457-Sqn None Faribault March 0 3 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA David Nguyen K-16 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Maple Valley September 0 4 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Edgar Francis K-17 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Machesney Park village December 0 0 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Bobby Guzman K-17 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic University Park April 0 3 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Kyle Wright K-17 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Keene July 0 5 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT Brian McCarthy K-17 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Mint Hill July 0 9 9 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Ray Kim K-17 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Greenbelt November 0 6 5 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Allen Carpenter K-17 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Rock Springs October 0 1 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC MSGT Fred Thornton K-17 Meticulous 457-Sqn Protestant Herriman March 0 10 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Fred Chapman K-17 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Colleyville July 0 7 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT Darrell Hardy K-17 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Greenwood January 0 4 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Anthony Moody K-17 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Mercer Island September 0 6 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT Luis Pittman K-17 Measured 457-Sqn Jewish Prior Lake June 0 4 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer TSGT Raymond Saunders K-17 Measured 457-Sqn None Kernersville July 0 0 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Landon Fletcher K-17 Meticulous 457-Sqn Protestant Elk River July 0 10 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Brent Graves K-17 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Searcy March 0 10 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Evan Burgess K-17 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Mequon December 0 1 12 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Jeffrey Pierce K-17 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Belton July 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Jon Wilkins K-17 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Bainbridge Island November 0 5 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Danny Cummings K-17 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Riverbank July 0 5 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Landon Wolfe K-17 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Radcliff September 0 3 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Alfred Mendoza K-17 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Laguna Beach August 0 6 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Christian Williamson K-18 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic 1944-12-31: Replaced this mission. New Castle August 0 7 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Jonathan Rowe K-18 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant 1944-12-31: Replaced this mission. Auburn July 0 5 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Frank Martin K-18 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Maple Heights Catholic 1944-12-31: Painful Abdominal wound Maple Heights August 0 0 11 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
BOMBARDIER 2LT Donald Greer K-18 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Webster Groves Catholic 1944-12-31: Safe Webster Groves March 3 2 8 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Marvin McCoy K-18 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Barstow Protestant 1944-12-31: Safe Barstow April 2 5 10 1941 1944-12-31 08:46:57
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Leo Huff K-18 Bombastic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Anniston Catholic 1944-12-31: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Anniston January 2 4 11 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CFC SSGT Mitchell Rhodes K-18 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Van Buren Catholic 1944-12-31: KIA Van Buren February 2 7 3 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Starboard Gunner SSGT Shawn Farmer K-18 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Athens Catholic 1944-12-31: KIA Athens February 0 2 6 1941 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Port Gunner SGT Chad Abbott K-18 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Fairfax Catholic 1944-12-31: Serious Hand Injury Fairfax March 3 10 6 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Radar Observer TSGT Austin Alexander K-18 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Avon Lake Catholic 1944-12-31: Safe Avon Lake July 0 5 10 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Tail Gunner SSGT Jordan Adkins K-18 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Fountain Hills Catholic 1944-12-31: Lucky Escape Fountain Hills May 2 2 6 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Observer MSGT Derek Parks K-18 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: New Smyrna Beach Protestant 1944-12-31: KIA New Smyrna Beach May 3 2 7 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Reserve FO 1LT Jesus Coleman K-18 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Dinuba July 0 8 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Dylan Bradley K-18 Thoughtful 457-Sqn None Denison September 0 2 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Jose Harper K-18 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Marysville November 0 8 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Edwin Bailey K-18 Meticulous 457-Sqn Protestant Prichard September 0 8 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Sam Sandoval K-18 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Hopewell January 0 0 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Ricky French K-18 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic McDonough June 0 0 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Charles Lamb K-18 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Kerrville April 0 1 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Sean Craig K-18 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Hialeah Gardens June 0 6 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Henry Powers K-19 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Newberg February 0 1 4 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Mason Gomez K-19 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Gallup June 0 3 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Andre McGuire K-19 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Columbus Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Columbus October 3 10 11 1944 1944-12-01 10:01:34
BOMBARDIER 2LT Marvin Baker K-19 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Crystal Jewish 1944-12-01: Mild nervous exhaustion. 1944-12-01: Serious Fall Crystal November 3 5 -1 1944 1944-12-01 10:01:34
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Dustin Walker K-19 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Pascagoula Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped Arm Pascagoula June 0 9 12 1941 1944-12-01 10:01:34
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Isaac Dennis K-19 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Willoughby Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Willoughby April 3 3 3 1943 1944-12-01 10:01:34
CFC SSGT Joe Hardy K-19 Bombastic 457-Sqn None Hamtramck July 0 6 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SGT Justin Graves K-19 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Daphne January 0 1 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Max Stanley K-19 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Hudson April 0 1 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Ray Hammond K-19 Vivacious 457-Sqn P.O.B: Plainview Jewish 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Plainview July 3 1 3 1943 1944-12-01 10:01:34
Tail Gunner SGT Edwin Garner K-19 Moderately Stable 457-Sqn Protestant Brookings March 0 2 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Herbert Edwards K-19 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Oak Harbor Protestant 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Oak Harbor April 6 7 3 1944 1944-12-01 10:01:34
Reserve FO 1LT Chase Ortega K-19 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Rosemount May 0 3 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Jonathan Bowen K-19 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Darien July 0 5 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Melvin Owens K-19 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Bloomingdale village March 0 7 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Jeremy Hill K-19 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Alliance February 0 0 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Henry Martinez K-19 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic South Elgin village June 0 8 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Norman Moss K-19 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic South Euclid April 0 5 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Johnny Spencer K-19 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Sebastian December 0 2 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Edwin Moody K-19 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant North Plainfield borough July 0 9 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Manuel Myers K-2 Measured 457-Sqn Catholic Waxahachie March 0 1 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Aiden Cox K-2 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Wheat Ridge August 0 6 1 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Jimmy Holmes K-2 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish North Royalton January 0 9 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Carl Jenkins K-2 Sociable 457-Sqn Catholic Miami Lakes August 0 0 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Zachary Ryan K-2 Bombastic 457-Sqn Jewish Springville May 0 7 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Kevin Dawson K-2 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Dover February 0 2 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Michael Soto K-2 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Ithaca December 0 3 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Andre Pittman K-2 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant New Bern February 0 5 10 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Owen Lindsey K-2 Reflective 457-Sqn None Dania Beach January 0 9 10 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Clayton Collier K-2 Quiet 457-Sqn Protestant Shawnee October 0 6 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Donald Francis K-2 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) October 0 6 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Austin Conner K-2 Adaptable 457-Sqn Jewish Texarkana January 0 1 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC 2Lt Justin Graves K-2 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Spring Hill December 0 9 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Barry Clarke K-2 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Des Moines February 0 0 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2/Lt Bruce Ball K-2 Reflective 457-Sqn Jewish North Ridgeville June 0 7 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Erik Hampton K-2 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Sun Prairie November 0 3 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Floyd Washington K-2 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Cooper City January 0 10 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Craig McDonald K-2 Measured 457-Sqn Catholic Banning February 0 5 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Herbert Santiago K-2 Measured 457-Sqn Jewish West Lafayette January 0 1 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Roger Watson K-2 Quiet 457-Sqn Jewish Goleta September 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Gerald Aguilar K-2 Measured 457-Sqn Jewish Sherwood May 0 1 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Angel Logan K-20 Extremely Stable 457-Sqn Catholic Brownsburg October 0 8 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Franklin Carson K-20 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Ruston October 0 5 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Jerome Wade K-20 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Park Forest village Protestant 1945-01-26: Superficial Disorientated Park Forest village April 0 9 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 1LT Adam Schmidt K-20 Highly Stable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Charleston Protestant 1945-01-26: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Charleston April 0 5 2 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Russell Stewart K-20 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Millbrae Protestant 1945-01-26: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Millbrae January 0 10 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Andre Ray K-20 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Clarksville Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe Clarksville March 3 7 10 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC SGT Adrian Sutton K-20 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Chillicothe Jewish 1945-01-26: Safe Chillicothe October 3 4 10 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SGT Eric Jefferson K-20 Calmly Stable 457-Sqn Protestant Port Hueneme November 0 7 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Gilbert Schneider K-20 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Pelham May 0 1 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer CPL Donald Lee K-20 A Little Stable 457-Sqn P.O.B: North Augusta Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe North Augusta May 3 9 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SSGT Warren Gibbs K-20 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Lumberton Protestant 1945-01-26: Debilitating nervous exhaustion. 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Lumberton May 7 0 -2 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Observer SSGT Sam Kelley K-20 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Wadsworth None 1945-01-26: Unlucky Needed Assistance Wadsworth February 2 4 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Reserve FO 1LT Louis Grant K-20 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant New Brighton October 0 9 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Jeremiah Sanchez K-20 Sociable 457-Sqn Unknown Kinston August 0 7 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Kevin Graves K-20 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Ashland November 0 5 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Max Kelly K-20 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Prairie Village January 0 4 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Nathaniel Patterson K-20 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Summit September 0 6 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Cody Scott K-20 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Benbrook October 0 3 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Thomas Duncan K-20 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Del City October 0 5 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Adrian Payne K-20 Meticulous 457-Sqn Jewish Avon September 0 3 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Ian McGee K-3 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Pullman Catholic 1944-12-01: Mild Bumped leg 1944-12-01: Safe Pullman February 3 0 10 1944 1944-12-01 15:51:22
CO-PILOT 1LT Jay Gardner K-3 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Rochester Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful lost balance 1944-12-01: Replaced this mission. Rochester March 1 3 3 1941 1944-12-01 10:01:34
NAVIGATOR 2LT Albert Klein K-3 Bombastic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Niles village Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Niles village May 6 1 7 1942 1944-12-01 15:51:22
BOMBARDIER 1LT Tom Grant K-3 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Los Gatos Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Stomach Injury Los Gatos March 2 1 3 1942 1944-12-01 10:01:34
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Alvin Morrison K-3 Vivacious 457-Sqn P.O.B: LaGrange None 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Mild lost balance LaGrange June 4 2 6 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Lee Simon K-3 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Madison Heights Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Unlucky Needed Assistance Madison Heights April 2 2 10 1942 1944-12-01 15:51:22
CFC MSGT Scott Stone K-3 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Santa Paula April 0 4 5 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Howard Morgan K-3 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Morgan Jewish 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped Chest Morgan December 1 0 11 1942 1944-12-01 15:51:22
Port Gunner SSGT Donald Carroll K-3 Bombastic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Aiken Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Aiken August 1 2 2 1944 1944-12-01 15:51:22
Radar Observer 1LT Fred Morales K-3 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Highland Park Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Highland Park March 0 9 10 1943 1944-12-01 10:01:34
Tail Gunner SGT James Cannon K-3 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Marion November 0 9 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC TSGT Peter Maxwell K-3 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant North Chicago January 0 7 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Russell Lowe K-3 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Granite City October 0 10 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT George Lamb K-3 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Port Huron August 0 0 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Julian May K-3 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic George November 0 3 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Micheal Barton K-3 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Cleburne March 0 9 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Francis Green K-3 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Hilliard Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Safe Hilliard September 1 4 1 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
OBSERVER OBS Peter Frank K-3 Quiet 457-Sqn Jewish East Chicago July 0 9 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner MSGT Ernest Graham K-3 Calmly Joker 457-Sqn Jewish Ray February 0 7 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Theodore Dixon K-3 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Liberty December 0 4 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Oscar Lewis K-4 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Los Altos Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe Los Altos November 2 4 12 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CO-PILOT 1LT Zachary Baker K-4 Vivacious 457-Sqn Jewish 1945-01-26: Replaced this mission. Oak Park January 0 1 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Jimmy Huff K-4 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Williamsport Protestant 1945-01-26: Superficial Disorientated Williamsport April 2 4 2 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 2LT Timothy Schultz K-4 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Statesboro Protestant 1945-01-26: Serious Bumped Hand Statesboro February 0 0 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Vincent Olson K-4 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: O'Fallon Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe O'Fallon September 0 0 4 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Jacob Watts K-4 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Oak Ridge Catholic 1945-01-26: Mild Bumped leg Oak Ridge June 2 1 6 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC SSGT Milton Fleming K-4 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Burlingame Protestant 1945-01-26: Serious Disorientated Burlingame April 0 7 6 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SSGT Julian Garrett K-4 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Elmira December 0 8 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Dennis Ramsey K-4 Adaptable 457-Sqn None Schererville July 0 6 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Eric King K-4 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Cedar City Protestant 1945-01-26: Painful Needed Assistance Cedar City October 2 4 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SSGT Aaron Rios K-4 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Elizabeth Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe Elizabeth January 3 5 9 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CC MSGT Dustin Torres K-4 Bombastic 457-Sqn Jewish Morris June 0 2 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Victor May K-4 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Burbank August 0 5 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Richard Hernandez K-4 Measured 457-Sqn Catholic Farmers Branch December 0 1 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Earl Jennings K-4 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Lawrenceville November 0 9 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Mason Howell K-4 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Henderson October 0 4 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Timothy Mills K-4 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Lake in the Hills village Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe Lake in the Hills village October 1 5 3 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
OBSERVER OBS Angel Simmons K-4 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Newburgh February 0 2 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Christopher McKinney K-4 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Jacksonville May 0 8 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief CPL Devin Horton K-4 Absolutely Stable 457-Sqn Catholic Helena August 0 0 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Thomas Hughes K-5 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Millville Jewish 1944-12-31: Safe Millville September 2 9 12 1944 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 2LT Stanley Malone K-5 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Midvale Protestant 1944-12-31: Safe Midvale May 1 8 9 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 2LT Trevor Colon K-5 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Lake Stevens Catholic 1945-01-26: Serious nervous exhaustion. 1945-01-26: Mild Disorientated Lake Stevens April 1 0 -2 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 2LT John Simpson K-5 Narcissistic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Garfield Heights Protestant 1945-01-26: Serious lost balance Garfield Heights July 3 6 11 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Peter White K-5 Sociable 457-Sqn P.O.B: East Palo Alto Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe East Palo Alto January 3 1 9 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT John Moran K-5 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant 1945-01-26: Replaced this mission. Atascadero November 0 5 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Nathaniel Miles K-5 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Agawam Town Catholic 1945-01-26: Mild Fall Agawam Town May 3 1 4 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SGT Lee Ball K-5 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Sanford March 0 2 3 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Larry Hart K-5 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic West Springfield Town December 0 5 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Alexander Fuller K-5 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Atwater None 1945-01-26: Safe Atwater June 3 10 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SGT Charles Norton K-5 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Russellville Protestant 1945-01-26: Terrible Chest Wound Russellville January 2 4 2 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CC SSGT Brent Rose K-5 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Lansing village March 0 10 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Thomas Daniel K-5 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Plainfield March 0 3 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Herman Weaver K-5 Sociable 457-Sqn None Winter Park January 0 7 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Noah Fitzgerald K-5 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Suisun City February 0 8 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Henry Massey K-5 Reflective 457-Sqn Protestant Post Falls September 0 4 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Isaiah Evans K-5 Quiet 457-Sqn P.O.B: Kingman Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe Kingman May 3 10 10 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
OBSERVER OBS Eugene Chapman K-5 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Wheeling November 0 1 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Herman Fuller K-5 Reflective 457-Sqn Jewish Princeton October 0 3 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Mike Rogers K-5 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Shaker Heights December 0 10 2 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Russell Cannon K-6 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic 1944-12-31: Replaced this mission. Nicholasville August 0 9 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Martin Patton K-6 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Kaysville Catholic 1944-12-31: Serious Finger Injury Kaysville April 3 7 5 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 1LT Andre Simmons K-6 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Oak Forest January 0 1 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT John Hale K-6 Sociable 457-Sqn Jewish Leander October 0 6 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Tommy Frazier K-6 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Round Lake Beach village November 0 6 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Paul Malone K-6 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Allen Park June 0 3 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SGT Lawrence Holloway K-6 Bombastic 457-Sqn Jewish Crown Point April 0 2 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Robert Wells K-6 Reflective 457-Sqn Protestant Matthews September 0 10 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Gordon Perez K-6 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Mason City October 0 1 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT John Harmon K-6 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Ridgecrest March 0 0 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Evan Lynch K-6 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Monterey August 0 8 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC SSGT Danny Chandler K-6 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Dodge City June 0 4 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Alan McDonald K-6 Subdued 457-Sqn Protestant Marshall December 0 9 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Arthur Ramirez K-6 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Alton December 0 2 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT James Huff K-6 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Rahway April 0 0 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Brent Brown K-6 Adaptable 457-Sqn Protestant Little Elm January 0 10 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Douglas Rhodes K-6 Vivacious 457-Sqn Catholic Myrtle Beach March 0 5 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief SSGT Anthony Dunn K-6 Significantly Stable 457-Sqn Jewish New London January 0 9 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Vincent Manning K-6 Thoughtful 457-Sqn None Maryville December 0 4 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Keith Delgado K-6 Sociable 457-Sqn Catholic Auburn February 0 4 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Roy Stokes K-7 Vivacious 457-Sqn P.O.B: Maywood Jewish 1944-12-31: Safe Maywood May 2 7 2 1941 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 1LT Warren Mann K-7 Bombastic 457-Sqn P.O.B: Oakdale Catholic 1944-12-31: Safe Oakdale January 3 9 12 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 2LT Scott Edwards K-7 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Winona Protestant 1944-12-01: Superficial Disorientated Winona June 1 10 9 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 1LT Elijah Norris K-7 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Glen Ellyn village Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Glen Ellyn village March 2 7 7 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Mitchell Massey K-7 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Kirkwood Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Kirkwood January 3 4 10 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Jimmy Harris K-7 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Garden City Protestant 1944-12-01: Mild lost balance Garden City February 2 8 7 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC MSGT Ricardo Welch K-7 Reflective 457-Sqn P.O.B: Kankakee Catholic 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Kankakee July 8 7 9 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SSGT Chad Hayes K-7 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Protestant Desert Hot Springs April 0 9 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT Milton Guzman K-7 Sociable 457-Sqn None Opelika October 0 10 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Rodney McLaughlin K-7 Adaptable 457-Sqn P.O.B: Maryland Heights Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Maryland Heights May 0 8 11 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner SGT Craig Stewart K-7 Subdued 457-Sqn P.O.B: Savage Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Savage June 2 1 6 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CC TSGT Randy Ryan K-7 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic West Chicago June 0 7 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Ethan Sharp K-7 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Bessemer April 0 10 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Herman Rhodes K-7 Adaptable 457-Sqn Jewish Frankfort May 0 2 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Mitchell Glover K-7 Subdued 457-Sqn Jewish SeaTac November 0 8 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Jose Knight K-7 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Englewood March 0 9 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Trevor Blake K-7 Thoughtful 457-Sqn P.O.B: Duluth Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped Arm Duluth April 0 8 6 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
OBSERVER OBS Brent Ferguson K-7 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Fridley January 0 2 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Dale Rose K-7 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Plum borough January 0 10 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Barry Cummings K-7 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Slidell May 0 1 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Brent Curtis K-8 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Big Spring Protestant 1944-12-31: Superficial Bumped Hips Big Spring January 3 6 6 1944 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 1LT William Garza K-8 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Harker Heights Jewish 1944-12-31: Safe Harker Heights January 0 10 11 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 1LT Lester Park K-8 Egotistical 457-Sqn P.O.B: Norco Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Norco January 3 9 0 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 2LT Andrew Santiago K-8 Significantly Gambler 457-Sqn P.O.B: Melrose Catholic 1944-12-31: Lucky Escape Melrose November 5 7 9 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Lloyd McGuire K-8 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Queen Creek September 0 8 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Terry Johnston K-8 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Benicia Catholic 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Benicia November 5 4 9 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC SSGT Ethan Ortiz K-8 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Enterprise Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Enterprise March 1 9 11 1944 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SSGT Steven Terry K-8 Bombastic 457-Sqn Jewish DeLand November 0 3 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Clayton White K-8 Meticulous 457-Sqn Jewish Eureka January 0 5 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Victor Lane K-8 Measured 457-Sqn P.O.B: Southlake Protestant 1944-12-31: Safe Southlake February 1 2 6 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Tail Gunner SSGT Jeffrey Jacobs K-8 Meticulous 457-Sqn P.O.B: Glen Cove Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Glen Cove March 2 4 4 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CC MSGT Gerald Luna K-8 Adaptable 457-Sqn Catholic Eagle Pass December 0 3 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Russell Todd K-8 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Lake Jackson August 0 3 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Steven Santiago K-8 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Superior July 0 9 2 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Henry Price K-8 Egotistical 457-Sqn Jewish Bergenfield borough July 0 3 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Miguel Robertson K-8 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic American Fork April 0 1 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Ricky Alvarez K-8 Vivacious 457-Sqn Protestant Windsor November 0 4 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief SGT Jacob Young K-8 Quite Stable 457-Sqn Protestant Garden City March 0 3 10 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Don Norman K-8 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Jewish Clinton November 0 2 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Ricardo Weaver K-8 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant McHenry June 0 9 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Tommy Graves K-9 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Thomasville January 0 10 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Randy Farmer K-9 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Easton June 0 10 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Frederick Cobb K-9 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Catholic Jefferson April 0 10 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Derek McCarthy K-9 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Winchester June 0 5 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Devin Rivera K-9 Meticulous 457-Sqn Catholic Stevens Point April 0 5 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Ronald Blake K-9 Thoughtful 457-Sqn Catholic Holladay October 0 5 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Dominic Singleton K-9 Egotistical 457-Sqn Jewish Stockbridge January 0 9 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SGT Cole Black K-9 Sociable 457-Sqn Catholic East St. Louis February 0 3 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Jared Lawson K-9 Egotistical 457-Sqn Protestant Fremont March 0 8 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Alfred Love K-9 Sociable 457-Sqn Protestant Saratoga Springs October 0 9 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT Vernon Drake K-9 Bombastic 457-Sqn Catholic Paragould May 0 6 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CC SSGT Curtis Cruz K-9 Quiet 457-Sqn Catholic Imperial Beach September 0 3 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Paul Becker K-9 Measured 457-Sqn Protestant Anderson May 0 8 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Clarence Daniel K-9 Egotistical 457-Sqn Catholic Redmond March 0 0 6 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Richard Farmer K-9 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant West Fargo August 0 7 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Cody Stokes K-9 Subdued 457-Sqn Catholic Paramus borough July 0 8 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Crew Chief SGT Kenneth Meyer K-9 Notably Stable 457-Sqn Protestant Fountain May 0 9 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Alfred Hart K-9 Narcissistic 457-Sqn Protestant Barberton May 0 1 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Milton Tate K-9 Reflective 457-Sqn Catholic Casselberry November 0 4 9 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Adam Alexander K-9 Bombastic 457-Sqn Protestant Tualatin September 0 5 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00