List of Staff & Crew

This is a list of all the staff & crew of the 62-Sqn in the roster

Return to the index.

Role Rank Name Missions Decorations Civilian Trait Combat Trait Assignment Training City State Col2 Col3 Col4 Intensity Service Updated
Sqn COMMANDER Captain Edgar Gibson 62-SHQ Significantly Stable 62-Sqn Jewish Rock Island June 0 5 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Deputy LTCOL Andre Gibson 62-SHQ Vivacious 62-Sqn P.O.B: Las Cruces None 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-31: Safe Las Cruces July 4 1 12 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Sqn Operations Officer Major David Flowers 62-SHQ Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant North Charleston June 0 5 3 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Intelligence Officer Captain Terry Reese 62-SHQ Bombastic 62-Sqn Jewish Kenosha March 0 1 11 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Bombardier Major Isaiah Marsh 62-SHQ Egotistical 62-Sqn None Lakeland October 0 4 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Navigation Officer Captain Jacob Weaver 62-SHQ Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant San Mateo August 0 4 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Radio Officer Captain Bill Simpson 62-SHQ Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Tyler September 0 6 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Radar Officer Cpatin Steven Wood 62-SHQ Adaptable 62-Sqn Jewish Lawton April 0 0 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Engineering Officer Captain John Garner 62-SHQ Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Albany November 0 7 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Gunnery Officer Captain Maurice Lawrence 62-SHQ Vivacious 62-Sqn Jewish Lewisville October 0 10 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Meteorological Officer Major Daniel Gutierrez 62-SHQ Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Clovis May 0 10 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Medical Officer Captain Bill Goodwin 62-SHQ Sociable 62-Sqn Jewish Dearborn January 0 8 0 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Ordnance Officer Captain Melvin Walsh 62-SHQ Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Sandy Springs June 0 10 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Chaplain Major Stanley Schmidt 62-SHQ Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Roanoke February 0 7 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Sqn Senior NCO MSGT Calvin Byrd 62-SHQ Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Jurupa Valley November 0 10 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Foreign Officer MR Aaron Barnett 62-SHQ Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Livonia November 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Marine NCO MR Joe Ball 62-SHQ Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant College Station January 0 7 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Politician MR Luis Kennedy 62-SHQ Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Vista November 0 9 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Civilian Technician MR Austin Bryant 62-SHQ Measured 62-Sqn Protestant South Gate November 0 8 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Navy Officer MR Antonio Garner 62-SHQ Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic New Bedford April 0 5 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Missing COL Darrell Hubbard Casualty Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Broken Arrow Catholic 1944-12-31: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Missing Broken Arrow April 4 4 10 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
OBSERVER OBS Mario Lawrence M-54 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Richfield April 0 4 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Douglas Cole P-41 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Minnetonka Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Minnetonka March 0 9 3 1944 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CO-PILOT 1LT Alexander Potter P-41 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic 1944-12-03: Replaced this mission. Glendora October 0 2 2 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Jayden Sims P-41 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic George October 0 7 9 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Jacob Ferguson P-41 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Pflugerville December 0 1 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Chris Fields P-41 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Richland Protestant 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Richland September 0 5 10 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Francisco Becker P-41 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant DeSoto October 0 10 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Kyle Davis P-41 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Castle Rock March 0 10 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Herman McDaniel P-41 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Plainfield July 0 1 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Calvin Ross P-41 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Troy April 0 7 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Theodore Palmer P-41 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Niagara Falls March 0 2 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Tyler Vega P-41 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Harrisonburg September 0 6 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer MSGT Clyde Pope P-41 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Apple Valley Jewish 1944-12-03: Safe Apple Valley December 1 5 8 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Reserve FO 1LT Shane Kelley P-41 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Bradenton April 0 6 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Bradley Holloway P-41 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Lehi July 0 8 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Devin Lawson P-41 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Casa Grande February 0 10 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Andrew Ramirez P-41 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Southaven May 0 7 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Garrett Wagner P-41 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Gilroy November 0 6 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Brian Morris P-41 Measured 62-Sqn Jewish Brookhaven April 0 9 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS John Shaw P-41 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Pinellas Park October 0 0 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Harvey Jenkins P-41 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Grand Island September 0 5 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Victor Holmes P-42 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant 1944-12-01: Replaced this mission. Enid January 0 8 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Bryan Simpson P-42 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Cuyahoga Falls Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Cuyahoga Falls June 1 9 12 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
NAVIGATOR 2LT Zachary Townsend P-42 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Harrisburg Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Harrisburg April 0 2 5 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 2LT Ian Medina P-42 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Monroe Catholic 1944-12-01: Serious Needed Assistance Monroe June 3 1 11 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Edwin Walters P-42 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Wilson Protestant 1944-12-01: Mild Bumped Hand Wilson June 2 2 12 1944 1944-12-01 19:39:15
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT John Robinson P-42 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Palm Desert Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped leg Palm Desert April 3 5 6 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC SSGT Danny Christensen P-42 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Palm Beach Gardens None 1944-12-01: Safe Palm Beach Gardens April 2 4 11 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SGT Dennis Pittman P-42 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant West Sacramento April 0 5 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Nicholas Waters P-42 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Kentwood July 0 0 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Clarence Hale P-42 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Huntington Protestant 1944-12-01: Serious nervous exhaustion. 1944-12-01: Safe Huntington May 2 9 -1 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner SGT Fred Wade P-42 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Logan Protestant 1944-12-01: Superficial Disorientated Logan January 1 0 9 1944 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer SSGT Alvin Ramirez P-42 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Sheboygan Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Sheboygan May 1 8 12 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER 1LT Warren Coleman P-42 A Little Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Tigard January 0 7 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Zachary Little P-42 Extremely Enthusiastic 62-Sqn Protestant Aliso Viejo September 0 5 2 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Robert Franklin P-42 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Lenexa January 0 6 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Manuel Martinez P-42 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic La Mirada February 0 0 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Marc Cannon P-42 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Burien June 0 6 0 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Brett Smith P-42 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Poway December 0 5 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Connor Cruz P-42 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Edina May 0 1 7 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Garrett Boyd P-42 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant East Lansing March 0 5 11 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Steven Moreno P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Cypress November 0 10 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Earl Elliott P-43 Bombastic 62-Sqn Jewish Euclid July 0 5 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT William Gomez P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn None Roswell November 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT Lewis Joseph P-43 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Rancho Santa Margarita August 0 2 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Anthony Haynes P-43 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Coral Gables December 0 1 4 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Landon Lynch P-43 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Covina May 0 1 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SGT Jesse Chandler P-43 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Mishawaka April 0 0 12 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Gary Parker P-43 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Pine Bluff June 0 6 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Samuel Cross P-43 Adaptable 62-Sqn Jewish Huntersville March 0 0 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Lee Herrera P-43 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant Sammamish June 0 0 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Owen Guerrero P-43 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Salina March 0 0 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Jeffery Higgins P-43 Measured 62-Sqn Jewish Newark February 0 4 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Chester Phelps P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn Jewish San Marcos May 0 0 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Philip Berry P-43 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Galveston November 0 5 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Bobby Banks P-43 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Doral June 0 10 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Michael Daniel P-43 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Commerce City February 0 2 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Ronald Hart P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Olympia July 0 6 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Troy Bell P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Mansfield June 0 9 10 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Joshua West P-43 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Roseville March 0 0 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Mitchell French P-43 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Caldwell July 0 6 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain John Gilbert P-44 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Murray Protestant 1944-12-31: Serious Bumped Shoulder Murray September 2 6 0 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 1Lt Adam Weaver P-44 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Ankeny Jewish 1944-12-31: Safe Ankeny April 0 1 7 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Jeffery Salazar P-44 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Grapevine October 0 9 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Cole Potter P-44 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Mentor Protestant 1944-12-31: Superficial Fall Mentor May 2 8 6 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Brandon Graham P-44 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant East Providence February 0 4 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Philip Mathis P-44 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Binghamton October 0 3 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Nathaniel Newman P-44 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Portage February 0 3 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Bruce Stanley P-44 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Dunwoody Catholic 1944-12-31: Mild Bumped Hand Dunwoody July 0 2 2 1944 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Port Gunner SSgt Jason Olson P-44 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Azusa Catholic 1944-12-31: Safe Azusa June 0 9 0 1941 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Radar Observer Cpl Kevin Brewer P-44 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Wauwatosa None 1944-12-31: Safe Wauwatosa August 2 6 4 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Tail Gunner Sgt Elijah Hernandez P-44 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Hattiesburg January 0 2 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer 2Lt Kyle Yates P-44 Bombastic 62-Sqn None Lawrence August 0 4 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Jeffrey Keller P-44 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Parker December 0 9 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2/Lt Alex Ruiz P-44 Subdued 62-Sqn Jewish Altoona December 0 9 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Harold Snyder P-44 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Sierra Vista May 0 10 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Jay Garrett P-44 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Stillwater June 0 2 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Jayden Medina P-44 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Collierville September 0 1 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Isaiah Griffith P-44 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Cedar Hill April 0 7 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Roger Powers P-44 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Cleveland Heights April 0 0 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Leo Warren P-44 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Beavercreek May 0 7 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Ernest Guerrero P-45 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant St. Louis Park February 0 8 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Bradley Mitchell P-45 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Jeffersonville February 0 1 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Lucas Chavez P-45 Reflective 62-Sqn P.O.B: Farmington Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Farmington January 3 0 12 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 2LT Harvey Cole P-45 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant San Luis Obispo November 0 7 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSgt Harold Baker P-45 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Palm Springs June 0 4 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Steven Stewart P-45 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Texas City Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe Texas City July 1 4 11 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC Cpl Tyler Walters P-45 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Coeur d'Alene Jewish 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Coeur d'Alene August 1 9 5 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Stanley Walters P-45 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Bonita Springs February 0 6 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Thomas White P-45 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Elmhurst April 0 4 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Cory Lawson P-45 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Glenview village January 0 0 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Antonio Quinn P-45 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Barnstable Town Protestant 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Barnstable Town May 9 3 1 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer 2Lt Devin Reeves P-45 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Twin Falls October 0 0 2 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Walter Malone P-45 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Leesburg September 0 1 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Ricardo Porter P-45 Meticulous 62-Sqn Jewish Strongsville July 0 1 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Timothy Bishop P-45 Bombastic 62-Sqn Unknown Columbus February 0 6 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Justin Miller P-45 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Pittsfield December 0 0 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Chad Brady P-45 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Maricopa July 0 1 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Chris Griffith P-45 Egotistical 62-Sqn Jewish Biloxi October 0 2 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Gerald Colon P-45 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Madison April 0 7 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Keith Higgins P-45 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant DeKalb December 0 10 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Harry Henry P-46 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Charlottesville Catholic 1944-12-31: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Charlottesville June 3 3 5 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 1Lt Dominic Collins P-46 Vivacious 62-Sqn P.O.B: Belleville None 1944-12-31: Painful Bumped Arm Belleville April 1 8 12 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Tommy Stevens P-46 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Titusville December 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Dennis Cooper P-46 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Lincoln March 0 0 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSgt Donald Tran P-46 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Attleboro March 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Clyde Fleming P-46 Adaptable 62-Sqn None Lombard village April 0 4 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Gavin Tucker P-46 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Summerville January 0 10 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Garrett Tate P-46 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Hackensack July 0 6 -1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Juan Oliver P-46 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Lacey June 0 3 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Garrett Campbell P-46 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Sayreville borough February 0 8 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner CPL Cameron McDonald P-46 Quite Stable 62-Sqn Protestant Jefferson City February 0 1 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer 2Lt Maurice Guzman P-46 Egotistical 62-Sqn Jewish Wylie July 0 6 12 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Dustin Richards P-46 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Draper December 0 5 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt William Carroll P-46 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Moline August 0 1 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Oscar West P-46 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Apopka October 0 9 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Melvin Rhodes P-46 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Littleton August 0 6 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Duane Ingram P-46 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Jewish Kannapolis June 0 3 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Benjamin Harmon P-46 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant El Centro January 0 9 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Erik Henderson P-46 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Fond du Lac February 0 8 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Juan Bradley P-46 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Newark December 0 0 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Isaiah Walters P-47 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Salem December 0 10 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Antonio Miller P-47 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Midland September 0 6 1 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Franklin Santiago P-47 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Minot November 0 7 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Ricky Harmon P-47 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Haltom City November 0 10 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Lawrence Gonzalez P-47 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Bountiful October 0 6 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT Fred Todd P-47 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic North Miami Beach May 0 2 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Michael Brown P-47 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Blacksburg Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Blacksburg January 2 4 2 1944 1944-12-03 14:02:44
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Brandon Snyder P-47 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Fairfield August 0 1 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC MSGT Mario Ball P-47 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Danville April 0 7 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Christian Poole P-47 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Concord December 0 1 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT Don Washington P-47 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Danville July 0 2 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Brandon Tate P-47 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Burlington April 0 3 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT Douglas Sutton P-47 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Bell Gardens May 0 1 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer TSGT Luke Hudson P-47 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Fort Pierce Catholic 1944-12-03: Painful Finger Injury Fort Pierce September 2 9 8 1942 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Reserve FO 1LT Milton Nash P-47 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Oakland Park September 0 4 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Evan Morales P-47 Sociable 62-Sqn Jewish Lompoc April 0 8 10 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Ivan Maxwell P-47 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Everett July 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Stanley Wells P-47 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Rancho Palos Verdes September 0 8 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Ronnie Pope P-47 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Hutchinson June 0 10 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Craig Banks P-47 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic State College borough January 0 5 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Andre Potter P-48 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Coachella Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Coachella February 0 1 8 1942 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CO-PILOT 1LT Manuel Figueroa P-48 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Cleveland Catholic 1944-12-03: Safe Cleveland April 3 0 9 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
NAVIGATOR 1LT Gordon Stevens P-48 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: North Lauderdale Jewish 1944-12-03: Safe North Lauderdale April 2 5 7 1942 1944-12-03 14:02:44
BOMBARDIER 2LT Johnny Holloway P-48 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Cutler Bay Catholic 1944-12-03: Safe Cutler Bay June 2 9 12 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Roger Carr P-48 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Altamonte Springs Catholic 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Altamonte Springs December 3 7 10 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Ronnie Garner P-48 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Urbana Protestant 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Urbana December 1 5 1 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CFC SSGT Jack Carpenter P-48 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: San Bruno Jewish 1944-12-03: Safe San Bruno January 0 3 11 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Starboard Gunner SSGT Jim Carroll P-48 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Bartlett village Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Bartlett village September 1 0 10 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Port Gunner SGT Louis Brown P-48 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Kearny Protestant 1944-12-03: Painful lost balance Kearny February 0 5 7 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Radar Observer TSGT Alexander Jordan P-48 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Westfield Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Westfield November 1 6 8 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Tail Gunner SSGT Steve Webster P-48 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Wilkes-Barre Catholic 1944-12-03: Safe Wilkes-Barre March 1 10 3 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Observer MSGT Albert Ortega P-48 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Findlay Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Findlay August 1 7 9 1942 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Reserve FO 1LT Tony Pena P-48 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Oro Valley June 0 5 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Lewis Bush P-48 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Meridian September 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Ricky King P-48 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Warren July 0 9 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Dominic Lane P-48 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Woonsocket August 0 1 8 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Gilbert Phillips P-48 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Rohnert Park March 0 9 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Chester King P-48 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Smyrna May 0 10 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Chad Owen P-48 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Keller February 0 10 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Jeffery Blair P-48 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Leominster March 0 5 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Erik Morton P-49 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Quincy February 0 5 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 2LT Jeffrey Graham P-49 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Linden July 0 8 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Lester Cunningham P-49 Reflective 62-Sqn Jewish Sumter April 0 2 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Timothy Harrington P-49 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Crystal Lake February 0 4 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Trevor Scott P-49 Quiet 62-Sqn P.O.B: Covington Protestant 1944-12-23: Debilitating Crush injury Covington November 3 2 1 1941 1944-12-23 09:37:17
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Terry Mitchell P-49 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Fitchburg December 0 9 3 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Owen Yates P-49 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Urbandale July 0 4 12 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SGT Jeff Munoz P-49 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Plainfield village November 0 3 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Andre Cruz P-49 Adaptable 62-Sqn Jewish La Puente January 0 9 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Dale Baldwin P-49 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Holyoke January 0 6 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SGT David Morton P-49 Moderately Stable 62-Sqn Protestant Beverly June 0 2 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Chris Daniels P-49 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Streamwood village Jewish 1944-12-23: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Streamwood village July 2 10 8 1943 1944-12-23 09:37:17
Reserve FO 1LT Gabriel Cook P-49 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic Hickory March 0 6 10 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Gene Thomas P-49 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Shelton August 0 7 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Isaac Hunter P-49 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Carol Stream village September 0 3 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Glenn Hunt P-49 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Edmonds December 0 2 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Nicholas Nash P-49 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Brea October 0 1 6 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Sean Santos P-49 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Prescott November 0 1 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Andre Williams P-49 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Campbell June 0 5 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Caleb Reeves P-49 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Bullhead City February 0 0 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Evan Ray P-50 Extremely Stable 62-Sqn P.O.B: New Berlin Catholic 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Replaced this mission. New Berlin October 9 5 12 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CO-PILOT 1LT Timothy Hart P-50 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Riverton Protestant 1944-12-03: Painful Bumped Foot 1944-12-03: Safe 1945-01-26: Missing/POW Riverton August 4 3 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
NAVIGATOR 1LT Jack Gibson P-50 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Mankato Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Painful Bumped Arm 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-01-26: KIA Mankato October 6 8 1 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 1LT Kyle Baldwin P-50 Highly Stable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Cedar Falls Catholic 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-03: Safe 1945-01-26: Died of Wounds Cedar Falls June 5 0 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER MSGT John Ellis P-50 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Huntsville Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-03: Safe 1945-01-26: Missing Huntsville May 5 6 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Justin Copeland P-50 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Atlantic City Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-03: Serious Finger Injury 1945-01-26: Missing Atlantic City October 8 0 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC SGT Corey Wood P-50 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Coppell Protestant 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-01-26: KIA Coppell August 2 0 9 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SGT Landon James P-50 Calmly Stable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Manassas None 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-03: Mild Disorientated 1944-12-03: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Died of Wounds Manassas June 11 8 12 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Port Gunner CPL Zachary Moss P-50 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Bremerton Catholic 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-03: Lucky Escape 1944-12-03: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Missing Bremerton July 15 7 2 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Radar Observer CPL Julian Norman P-50 A Little Stable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Wausau Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe 1944-12-03: KIA 1945-01-26: Missing/POW Wausau May 5 9 5 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SSGT Harvey Carson P-50 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Culver City None 1944-12-03: Safe 1945-01-26: KIA Culver City October 0 0 4 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Observer SSGT Carlos Weaver P-50 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Muskogee Protestant 1944-12-03: Severe Incapacitated 1944-12-03: Safe 1945-01-26: KIA Muskogee June 7 0 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Reserve FO 1LT Tom Davis P-50 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Rockwall July 0 1 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Mark Bridges P-50 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Calexico September 0 6 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Luis Welch P-50 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Duncanville March 0 2 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Danny Salazar P-50 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Lancaster October 0 3 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Walter Wallace P-50 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Sherman June 0 0 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Cory Gibbs P-50 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Clovis April 0 3 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Clarence Griffith P-50 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Moorhead September 0 3 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Jeremy Norris P-51 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Jewish Morgan Hill March 0 10 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Bernard Gill P-51 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Apex October 0 4 11 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Edward Wong P-51 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Maplewood Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe 1945-01-26: Safe Maplewood October 1 2 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 1LT Angel Owens P-51 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Peachtree Corners Catholic 1945-01-26: Superficial Fall Peachtree Corners July 2 3 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Floyd Todd P-51 Quiet 62-Sqn P.O.B: Prescott Valley Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe 1945-01-26: Safe Prescott Valley November 4 8 8 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Jon Lambert P-51 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Woburn Jewish 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Woburn May 11 9 10 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC MSGT Micheal Hampton P-51 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Beaumont Catholic 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Beaumont May 6 5 6 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SSGT Derrick Jordan P-51 Bombastic 62-Sqn None Annapolis October 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT Glen Bryan P-51 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Cape Girardeau December 0 0 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Howard Campbell P-51 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Burleson Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe Burleson February 0 6 2 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SGT Jeremiah Bush P-51 Reflective 62-Sqn P.O.B: Stanton Catholic 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Stanton January 1 1 8 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Observer TSGT Lawrence Castillo P-51 Quiet 62-Sqn P.O.B: Ormond Beach Protestant 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Safe Ormond Beach December 8 10 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Reserve FO 1LT Patrick Hammond P-51 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Hanover Park village August 0 4 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Seth Anderson P-51 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Huber Heights January 0 4 6 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Ronald Hart P-51 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Bozeman August 0 0 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Joshua Hansen P-51 Vivacious 62-Sqn Jewish Brentwood July 0 5 11 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Samuel Jennings P-51 Quiet 62-Sqn None St. Cloud November 0 2 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Alejandro Farmer P-51 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Greenacres December 0 2 6 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Steve Brown P-51 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Jewish Shakopee March 0 5 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Connor Lynch P-51 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Brookfield October 0 10 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Francis Atkins P-52 Vivacious 62-Sqn None Hallandale Beach August 0 3 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Christian Allen P-52 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Lincoln Park July 0 6 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Leroy Davidson P-52 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Pacifica December 0 8 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Mario Mills P-52 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Wheeling village January 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Mason Collins P-52 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Hurst July 0 9 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT John Sherman P-52 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Valley Stream village July 0 1 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Andre Ross P-52 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Park Ridge May 0 9 -1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Dean Yates P-52 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Hilton Head Island May 0 5 11 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Garrett Lee P-52 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Jewish Goose Creek November 0 5 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Don Simpson P-52 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Puyallup September 0 8 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Herbert Cole P-52 Bombastic 62-Sqn Jewish Montclair April 0 10 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer MSGT Jonathan Spencer P-52 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Lancaster October 0 1 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Danny Moody P-52 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Roy August 0 2 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Frederick Quinn P-52 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Addison village August 0 10 7 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Ronald Garner P-52 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Calumet City June 0 4 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Christian Horton P-52 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic The Colony October 0 7 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Nathaniel Andrews P-52 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Ocoee March 0 4 1 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Eugene Harris P-52 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Muskegon June 0 5 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Gilbert Edwards P-52 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Lake Oswego September 0 5 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Walter Brady P-52 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Bentonville September 0 7 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Nathan Medina P-53 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Spartanburg Protestant 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Spartanburg January 7 9 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CO-PILOT 2LT Kenneth Ball P-53 Reflective 62-Sqn P.O.B: Marion Jewish 1945-01-26: Safe Marion November 2 4 6 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
NAVIGATOR 2LT Richard Adkins P-53 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Portage Protestant 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Portage December 10 1 12 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 2LT Lewis Becker P-53 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Beloit Catholic 1945-01-26: Superficial Bumped Hand Beloit November 1 6 12 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Garrett Rhodes P-53 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Aventura Catholic 1945-01-26: Safe Aventura March 3 1 10 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Melvin Stanley P-53 Reflective 62-Sqn P.O.B: Richmond Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1945-01-26: Safe Richmond May 1 2 7 1941 1945-01-26 15:14:03
CFC SSGT Milton Lee P-53 Quiet 62-Sqn P.O.B: Greenfield Protestant 1945-01-26: Safe Greenfield January 2 9 7 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Starboard Gunner SGT Robert Jenkins P-53 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Texarkana January 0 8 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT James Cruz P-53 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Westerville February 0 0 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Blake Ward P-53 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Gadsden Catholic 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Gadsden December 2 3 8 1943 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Tail Gunner SGT Peter Cannon P-53 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Longview Protestant 1945-01-26: Lucky Escape Longview May 2 1 3 1944 1945-01-26 15:14:03
Crew Chief CPL Bradley Brock P-53 Sufficiently Stable 62-Sqn Protestant Keizer March 0 2 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Stephen Houston P-53 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Oakley January 0 8 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Jesus Ingram P-53 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Martinez February 0 7 7 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Leonard Blair P-53 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Dover February 0 0 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Richard Burns P-53 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant Weslaco August 0 6 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Don Wilson P-53 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Northglenn None 1945-01-26: Safe Northglenn November 0 3 5 1942 1945-01-26 15:14:03
OBSERVER OBS Martin Graves P-53 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Lewiston October 0 2 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Mark Reeves P-53 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Los Banos February 0 3 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Sean Abbott P-53 Bombastic 62-Sqn None Apache Junction August 0 7 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Hunter Houston P-54 Reflective 62-Sqn P.O.B: New Albany Catholic 1944-12-31: Lucky Escape New Albany March 3 0 7 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
CO-PILOT 1LT Benjamin Banks P-54 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Friendswood Jewish 1944-12-31: Lucky Escape Friendswood February 1 5 12 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
NAVIGATOR 1LT Ethan Marsh P-54 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Grove City August 0 4 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Ray Nguyen P-54 A Little Stable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Bartlesville Catholic 1944-12-31: Mild Bumped Foot Bartlesville October 2 10 9 1942 1944-12-31 08:46:57
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Tom Turner P-54 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Torrington December 0 8 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Howard Palmer P-54 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Reynoldsburg September 0 0 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SGT Lester Lindsey P-54 Reflective 62-Sqn Jewish Del Rio July 0 6 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Craig Stevenson P-54 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Goldsboro November 0 3 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Brian Rogers P-54 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Lynnwood March 0 3 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Ray Richards P-54 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Temple City Jewish 1944-12-31: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Temple City January 2 2 7 1943 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Tail Gunner SSGT Francis Sharp P-54 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Winter Garden November 0 1 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Danny Marsh P-54 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Spanish Fork October 0 9 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Christopher Howard P-54 Subdued 62-Sqn Jewish Bell June 0 5 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Alfred Reynolds P-54 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Franklin June 0 4 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Leon Colon P-54 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Panama City December 0 3 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Austin Reyes P-54 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Plant City May 0 4 12 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Ivan Sutton P-54 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Fort Lee borough December 0 4 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Isaiah Mack P-54 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Leavenworth October 0 7 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Isaac Powers P-54 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Wildwood October 0 3 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Jeremiah Rose P-55 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Delaware November 0 1 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Ernest Weber P-55 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Hollister January 0 8 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 2LT Jeff Reese P-55 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Hot Springs Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe Hot Springs February 2 6 5 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 1LT Gene Hunt P-55 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Lufkin Catholic 1944-12-01: Serious Arm Injury Lufkin July 3 3 2 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER SSGT Cory Hunter P-55 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Marion Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Marion February 3 6 6 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Herman Sanders P-55 Egotistical 62-Sqn P.O.B: Manhattan Beach Protestant 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Manhattan Beach November 8 10 6 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC MSGT Gregory Kelly P-55 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Lake Worth Catholic 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Lake Worth December 1 2 11 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SSGT Daniel Mason P-55 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Claremont January 0 4 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSGT George Berry P-55 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant University City December 0 8 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer 1LT Alex Barker P-55 Meticulous 62-Sqn P.O.B: Merrillville Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Merrillville January 3 6 8 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner SGT Lucas Bass P-55 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: San Juan Capistrano Catholic 1944-12-01: Serious Bumped Foot San Juan Capistrano December 3 0 3 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer TSGT Jack Robbins P-55 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Tupelo Protestant 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape Tupelo December 7 9 10 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Reserve FO 1LT Curtis Sherman P-55 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Cottage Grove February 0 10 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Bryan Schwartz P-55 Measured 62-Sqn None Moorpark March 0 0 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Rodney Schmidt P-55 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Bay City October 0 5 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Patrick Ruiz P-55 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant East Point May 0 7 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Ralph Harrington P-55 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Jewish Grants Pass September 0 0 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Eddie Wheeler P-55 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Stow June 0 3 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Curtis Andrews P-55 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Oak Creek January 0 10 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Justin Cohen P-55 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant West Hollywood November 0 2 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Major Calvin Bowman P-56 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Prattville December 0 9 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1LT Chester Barker P-56 Subdued 62-Sqn Jewish Royal Palm Beach village March 0 3 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1LT Anthony Ramirez P-56 Egotistical 62-Sqn Jewish Peachtree City June 0 3 9 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Craig Ford P-56 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Winter Haven May 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Roger Larson P-56 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Phenix City May 0 5 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Russell Figueroa P-56 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Hinesville January 0 5 1 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SSGT Don Lawson P-56 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Norris borough January 0 1 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner SSGT Andre Howard P-56 Measured 62-Sqn Jewish Glendale Heights village September 0 3 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Tom Daniels P-56 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant Hobbs March 0 8 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Peter Wong P-56 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Beverly Hills May 0 10 10 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Seth Carter P-56 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Gainesville December 0 7 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer MSGT Bernard Ramsey P-56 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Indian Trail November 0 8 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 1LT Eddie Estrada P-56 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Catholic Pleasant Grove March 0 9 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Marcus Cox P-56 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Bothell October 0 4 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Derek Stokes P-56 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Olive Branch October 0 7 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Benjamin Nelson P-56 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Inver Grove Heights February 0 9 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Adam Richards P-56 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Protestant Roseville November 0 3 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Bruce Cortez P-56 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Mooresville June 0 7 5 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Stanley Goodwin P-56 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic Vestavia Hills August 0 0 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Mason Weber P-56 Measured 62-Sqn Catholic Milton September 0 8 4 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Lee Andrews P-57 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Greenville Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Safe Greenville October 1 6 12 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CO-PILOT 2LT Clyde McCarthy P-57 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Upper Arlington Protestant 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Safe Upper Arlington December 2 6 8 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
NAVIGATOR 2LT Lawrence Jones P-57 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Newnan Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape 1944-12-01: Safe Newnan January 12 2 1 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
BOMBARDIER 2LT Alex Gilbert P-57 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Nacogdoches Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Superficial Bumped Shoulder Nacogdoches January 2 8 6 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER TSGT Samuel Tate P-57 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Bettendorf Catholic 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken 1944-12-01: Serious Sprained Wrist Bettendorf September 7 5 9 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Lee Cortez P-57 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Cottonwood Heights Jewish 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Serious Needed Assistance 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped Arm Cottonwood Heights December 5 8 8 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC SSGT Darrell Daniels P-57 Adaptable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Dana Point Protestant 1944-12-01: Painful Bumped leg 1944-12-01: Serious Fall 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Dana Point July 7 1 12 1942 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SGT Sam Peters P-57 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Butte-Silver Bow May 0 3 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SGT Tyler Ramsey P-57 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Houma March 0 2 5 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Alejandro Pierce P-57 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: San Dimas None 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Serious Leg Injury 1944-12-01: Unlucky Hand Injury San Dimas May 6 8 1 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner SGT Lucas Taylor P-57 Thoughtful 62-Sqn P.O.B: Manitowoc Protestant 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-01: Superficial lost balance 1944-12-01: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Manitowoc December 3 4 10 1941 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer SSGT Herbert Wheeler P-57 Subdued 62-Sqn P.O.B: Gahanna Jewish 1944-12-01: Superficial Fall 1944-12-01: Serious lost balance 1944-12-01: Superficial Bumped Foot Gahanna November 4 5 12 1943 1944-12-01 19:39:15
FLT ENGINEER 1LT Dylan Brewer P-57 A Little Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Pleasant Hill January 0 3 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT Brian Cross P-57 Extremely Enthusiastic 62-Sqn Catholic Long Beach March 0 1 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Leroy Clark P-57 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Winter Springs June 0 4 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Calvin Banks P-57 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Seaside December 0 5 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER SGT Benjamin McGuire P-57 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Lauderdale Lakes August 0 5 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Kevin Wells P-57 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Dalton March 0 10 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Ricky Fowler P-57 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Jackson November 0 10 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Angel Bowen P-57 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Schertz April 0 4 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 1LT William Lynch P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn P.O.B: Monroe Catholic 1944-12-03: Painful Bumped Foot Monroe August 2 2 2 1944 1944-12-03 14:02:44
CO-PILOT 1LT Curtis Cohen P-58 Bombastic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Fairborn Catholic 1944-12-03: Mild Disorientated Fairborn May 0 1 8 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
NAVIGATOR 1LT Eugene Wright P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic St. Charles December 0 3 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 1LT Matthew Oliver P-58 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Woodridge village May 0 0 -1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER MSGT Herman Craig P-58 Narcissistic 62-Sqn P.O.B: Holland Protestant 1944-12-03: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Holland November 0 7 7 1943 1944-12-03 14:02:44
RADIO OPERATOR TSGT Craig Cunningham P-58 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Oregon City November 0 9 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC SGT Travis Reeves P-58 Narcissistic 62-Sqn None Copperas Cove December 0 2 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner CPL Anthony Clarke P-58 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Lawndale October 0 6 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner CPL Ronnie Rowe P-58 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Wildomar March 0 4 12 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer TSGT Victor Barnett P-58 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant Bangor May 0 4 4 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner SSGT Nicholas Griffin P-58 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Danville February 0 6 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer SSGT Lewis Hanson P-58 Measured 62-Sqn P.O.B: Riviera Beach Protestant 1944-12-03: Safe Riviera Beach March 1 2 7 1944 1944-12-03 14:02:44
Reserve FO 1LT Paul Buchanan P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Fair Lawn borough November 0 7 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2LT Raymond Banks P-58 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Deer Park March 0 2 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSGT Luke Lloyd P-58 Subdued 62-Sqn Jewish Westlake April 0 7 12 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SGT Joshua Alvarez P-58 Meticulous 62-Sqn Catholic Menlo Park January 0 10 9 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER Cpl Sam Hogan P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn Jewish Richmond August 0 10 10 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Leonard Love P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn Jewish Socorro July 0 4 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Milton Stanley P-58 Meticulous 62-Sqn Jewish North Olmsted January 0 1 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER OBS Tom Ruiz P-58 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Wenatchee June 0 6 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Caleb Bryant P-59 Egotistical 62-Sqn None Eastpointe November 0 4 7 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Jesse Meyer P-59 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic McMinnville March 0 2 10 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Brian Cobb P-59 Vivacious 62-Sqn Protestant Leawood January 0 6 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Matthew Watkins P-59 Adaptable 62-Sqn Catholic Franklin Town August 0 10 11 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Isaac Ball P-59 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Water Town June 0 5 9 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Lloyd Cook P-59 Vivacious 62-Sqn Catholic Petersburg February 0 6 6 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Victor Weaver P-59 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Massillon October 0 0 0 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Adrian Mendez P-59 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant El Mirage February 0 2 6 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Zachary Vega P-59 Sociable 62-Sqn Protestant Mount Vernon May 0 9 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Derek Phillips P-59 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Tooele October 0 3 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Benjamin Jennings P-59 Quiet 62-Sqn Catholic Galesburg August 0 2 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer 2Lt Travis Ford P-59 Bombastic 62-Sqn Catholic Hopkinsville November 0 6 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Joshua Figueroa P-59 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Rosenberg November 0 8 1 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2/Lt Bernard Mason P-59 Subdued 62-Sqn Jewish Walla Walla May 0 6 3 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Justin Ruiz P-59 Sociable 62-Sqn Catholic Lewiston January 0 10 5 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Ronald Jenkins P-59 Subdued 62-Sqn Catholic Issaquah October 0 6 7 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Glenn Fox P-59 Subdued 62-Sqn Protestant Newark September 0 0 8 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Francis McLaughlin P-59 Egotistical 62-Sqn Jewish Spring Valley village January 0 2 8 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Clayton Alvarado P-59 Adaptable 62-Sqn Protestant Naugatuck borough May 0 7 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Milton Bowers P-59 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Goshen August 0 10 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner Sgt Clyde Zimmerman P-60 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Oswego village September 0 7 11 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve Gunner SSgt Bobby Castillo P-60 Reflective 62-Sqn Protestant College Park October 0 6 3 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Steve Allen P-60 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Gallatin September 0 8 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Sam Sims P-60 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Westfield July 0 6 0 1941 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Lawrence Sherman P-60 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Jewish Foster City September 0 10 12 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
OBSERVER TBA Henry Quinn P-60 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Owasso March 0 2 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER Captain Francisco Pierce P-60 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant Wake Forest October 0 7 0 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CO-PILOT 1Lt Stanley Taylor P-60 Vivacious 62-Sqn Jewish Benton August 0 2 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NAVIGATOR 1Lt Roy Klein P-60 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic West Bend February 0 7 4 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
BOMBARDIER 2LT Jeremiah Massey P-60 Reflective 62-Sqn Catholic North Tonawanda July 0 5 4 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
FLT ENGINEER SSgt Arthur Sandoval P-60 Egotistical 62-Sqn Catholic University Place April 0 5 6 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RADIO OPERATOR SSgt Terry Massey P-60 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Kearney September 0 5 5 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
CFC Cpl Angel Medina P-60 Egotistical 62-Sqn Protestant Laramie February 0 2 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Starboard Gunner S/Sgt Micheal Gonzales P-60 Thoughtful 62-Sqn Catholic Parkersburg March 0 7 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Port Gunner SSgt Ricky McCormick P-60 Measured 62-Sqn Protestant Alamogordo June 0 4 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Radar Observer Cpl Zachary Tran P-60 Quiet 62-Sqn Protestant La Verne June 0 6 3 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Tail Gunner Sgt Norman Paul P-60 Bombastic 62-Sqn Protestant Michigan City May 0 7 7 1944 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Observer 2Lt Timothy Fowler P-60 Narcissistic 62-Sqn Protestant Douglasville February 0 6 2 1943 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Carl Sherman P-60 Reflective 62-Sqn Jewish Bowling Green January 0 0 6 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Reserve FO 2Lt Dustin Chandler P-60 Meticulous 62-Sqn Protestant Mason February 0 0 2 1942 0000-00-00 00:00:00
A/C COMMANDER 2LT ALEKSANDER SELLERS P-66 None A Little Stable None 62-Sqn Catholic P.O.B: Diamond Bar, CA 1944-12-01: Safe 1944-12-31: Replaced this mission. Diamond Bar CA Unknown 1 6 11 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CO-PILOT 2LT HENRY E. LOGAN P-66 None Absolutely Excitable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Somerville, NJ 1944-12-01: Serious Leg Injury 1944-12-31: Replaced this mission. Somerville NJ Unknown 3 4 8 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
NAVIGATOR 2LT Thomas HAWKINS P-66 None Extremely Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Corpus Christi, TX 1944-12-01: Painful Needed Assistance 1945-01-26: Safe Corpus Christi TX Unknown 6 5 10 0 1945-01-26 15:14:03
RADIO OPERATOR 1LT Avery E. FISHER P-66 None Notably Man's Man None 62-Sqn Catholic P.O.B: Pendergrass, GA 1944-12-01: Lucky Escape 1945-01-26: Painful Bumped Arm Pendergrass GA Unknown 5 3 12 0 1945-01-26 15:14:03
BOMBARDIER 1LT Shayan T. GROSS P-66 None A Little Stable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Randleman, NC 1944-12-01: Mild lost balance 1944-12-31: Safe Randleman NC Unknown 2 10 8 0 1944-12-31 08:46:57
Radar Observer SGT Christian A. MORROW P-66 None Calmly Stable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Pellston, MI 1944-12-01: Painful Spinal Injury 1944-12-31: Frostbite/Hypoxia/Shaken Pellston MI Unknown 3 7 12 0 1944-12-31 08:46:57
FLT ENGINEER 2LT Gabriel D. COSTA P-66 None Calmly Stable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Elizabethtown, PA 1944-12-01: Safe Elizabethtown PA Unknown 1 2 10 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Observer SGT Abel MILLS P-66 None A Little Pugalistic None 62-Sqn Jewish P.O.B: Cleveland, OH 1944-12-01: Debilitating Stomach Wound Cleveland OH Unknown 1 1 3 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
CFC SSGT Kameron S. BLANCHARD P-66 None Calmly Earnest None 62-Sqn Jewish P.O.B: NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 1944-12-01: Serious Head Wound NORTH LAS VEGAS NV Unknown 3 8 9 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Starboard Gunner SSGT Ismael D. EVERETT P-66 None Moderately Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Racine, WI 1944-12-01: Safe Racine WI Unknown 1 8 7 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Port Gunner SSGT Logan CHRISTIAN P-66 None Absolutely Stable None 62-Sqn Catholic P.O.B: Horn Lake, MS 1944-12-01: Safe Horn Lake MS Unknown 0 5 8 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
Tail Gunner PVT LEON G. HARRINGTON P-66 None A Little Stable None 62-Sqn None P.O.B: Hillsborough, NH 1944-12-01: Terrible Stomach Wound Hillsborough NH Unknown 1 10 12 0 1944-12-01 19:39:15
A/C COMMANDER 1LT NICO E. HUGHES P-97 None Absolutely Stable None 62-Sqn Catholic P.O.B: Hebron, KY Hebron KY Unknown 0 6 4 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
CO-PILOT 1LT Jonathan W. JONES P-97 None Highly Cheerful None 62-Sqn Catholic P.O.B: Baltimore, MD Baltimore MD Unknown 0 4 9 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
NAVIGATOR 1LT DANNY G. CASEY P-97 None Highly Argumentative None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Orlando, FL Orlando FL Unknown 0 1 5 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
RADIO OPERATOR 2LT Leonardo BOWMAN P-97 None Calmly Stable None 62-Sqn Jewish P.O.B: San Francisco, CA San Francisco CA Unknown 0 6 10 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
BOMBARDIER 2LT Grayson O. HAMMOND P-97 None Highly Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Richmond, IL Richmond IL Unknown 0 4 7 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
Radar Observer SSGT LOUIS H. YU P-97 None Sufficiently Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Dunmore, PA Dunmore PA Unknown 0 2 11 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
FLT ENGINEER SGT James BEASLEY P-97 None Moderately Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Lisbon, ND Lisbon ND Unknown 0 6 10 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
Observer MSGT ERICK T. BRENNAN P-97 None Extremely Stable None 62-Sqn None P.O.B: Milpitas, CA Milpitas CA Unknown 0 6 5 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
CFC SGT Levi T. PEARSON P-97 None Highly Stable None 62-Sqn Protestant P.O.B: Mansfield, OH Mansfield OH Unknown 0 5 7 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
Starboard Gunner SSGT JAMIR C. WOOD P-97 None Calmly Stable None 62-Sqn Jewish P.O.B: GRAND RAPIDS, MI GRAND RAPIDS MI Unknown 0 6 8 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
Port Gunner SSGT CHRISTIAN W. BURCH P-97 None Moderately Stable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Norcross, GA Norcross GA Unknown 0 4 9 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02
Tail Gunner PVT Jack B. LAWRENCE P-97 None Quite Stable None 62-Sqn Unknown P.O.B: Spring Green, WI Spring Green WI Unknown 0 5 3 0 1944-12-01 09:55:02